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Mendeley: Manage Your Bibliography: Home

Mendeley Reference Manager helps you simplify the tasks of building and organizing your reference library, making notes and annotations across papers, collaborating with others, and inserting citations and bibliographies into the papers you’re writing.


Mendeley is a free reference manager that can help you store, organize, note, share and cite references.

Discover how Mendeley can support you

  • Manage your references
    Use Mendeley Reference Manager, Mendeley Cite and Mendeley Web Importer to easily import, organize, annotate, share and cite references and research
  • Advance your career
    Get job alerts, find opportunities and be found by employers with Mendeley Careers.

Export via OneSearch

Using the hyperlinked text, "Export Zotero/Mendeley" on any results page, you may download an ".RIS" file that can then be uploaded to your reference management software of choice. This file type carries the metadata, or information about the article/book/resource you have selected, and formatted it in a way that can be easily organized into your own library.

Get Started with Mendeley

Create an account via This is completely free to do, only takes a few seconds and will make sure that you’re getting the most out of what Mendeley can offer. 

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This guide, all of its links and images are courtesy of Mendeley's service provider, Elsevier.