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THE 101: Drama, Stage, and Society: Source Evaluation


The ESCAPE acronym -- Evidence, Source, Context, Audience, Purpose, Execution -- provides a useful framework when considering whether a source is credible or not. No single question here stands on its own -- it's important to consider the full picture of what you're looking at. Don't forget that a librarian or your professor can always help you distinguish between what's credible and what's not.


NewseumED (2020). E.S.C.A.P.E. Junk News. NewseumED.

Fake or True?

Check out our "Fake or True?" research guide for more information, videos, and links to interactive activities on source evaluation and credibility.

What is Peer Review?

NC State University Libraries. “Peer Review in 3 Minutes” YouTube, uploaded by libncsu, 1 May 2014,